Scary Stories for Little Foxes by Christian McKay Heidicker
Heidicker, C. (2019). Scary Stories for Young Foxes. (J. Wu, Illus.) Henry Holt and Company. An adventurous tale with a tinge of horror, this book follows three separate plots that slowly come together as one. Our first plot is one of a litter of kits wanting to hear a story that is so frightening it will turn the tips of their tales white. They go to the den of an older fox that is known for sharing this kind of tale. This plot is what mainly pushes the book forward, coming in between each scary story to serve as a palette cleanser and to engage the reader. The kits listening to and engaging with the story serve as surrogates for the reader, asking the questions they are bound to be asking themselves and sharing reactions. Encouraging the kits to keep listening and paying attention, the old fox is also engaging with the reader, compelling them to continue reading as well. The other two plots alternate until they come together, one followin...